drawings and prints

drawings and prints
I am a real advocate for drawing. Not only is it a powerful tool for creating spontaneous mark making, but it also encourages mindfulness. This activity seems to have become more relevant to date, particularly in an ever increasing technological world where we so rarely stand still and observe our surroundings. As a landscape artist it is my aim for my practice to have a phenomenological response to nature. From living in a coastal environment, the drawings of the landscape and objects within the landscape become more abstract in theme and have contributed to new concepts for experimentation with carved forms.
During my MA in Fine Art (2013-2015), I had the opportunity to explore printmaking techniques which led to a curiosity with the process of lino embossing. From experimentation with ‘blind embossing’ (without ink) the imagery on white paper became semi sculptural to view. This in turn initiated a continued investigation of shape and form.